Pre-nominations are open now through March 26, 2021. 


Samantha Henderson, Communcations Coordinator
Southwest California Synod, ELCA

Bishop's Election Committee 

Randall Foster, Synod Vice-President

The Rev. Dean Nelson, Bishop Emeritus


2021 Bishop's Election Nomination Form 

Any member of a congregation of this Synod may submit to the Bishop's Election Committee and the synod office the name of any qualified person they wish to pre-nominate as a candidate for bishop, using this form. Candidates for bishop must be ordained pastors of the ELCA.  The pre-nomination period is open now through March 26, 2021. Biographical information and consent forms will be sent to those pre-nominated. 

Please note that this is a pre-nomination process to lift up potential candidates for bishop before the synod and the Synod Assembly. Candidates must be nominated by at least one voting member on the first ballot of the bishop's election during the assembly in order to remain under consideration.