New Youth Logo


Tommy McCrory
Youth Director at LHUMC
214-348-6600 X104


  • 1858 McDowel County, West VA is formed
  • 1883 coal mining ~ running force behind the economy
  • 1950's coal industry began it descent
  • 1980's Applachian area lost more than 70,000 coal mining jobs... McDowel County was among the highest of losses
  • Many live in poverty

On our Mission Trip to McDowell Country, we will have a chance to swing a hammer, paint a home, or help build a porch.  It might  be simply listening to somene's story or sharing our own.  Perhaps it is praying with someone or playing with the children.  What ever it maybe we will be working hard and building relationships as we become a tangible picture of God's love!

Appalachia Mission Trip
 McDowell County, West Virginia

McDowell County, on the southern tip of West Virginia is one of the poorest communities in the country. During our mission trip we will be serving in and around the small communities of McDowell County.

Date:  July 27th - Aug 3rd

Location:  McDowell County, West VA

Cost:  $550 per student

  • $150 non-refundable due by March 1st
  • $100 payments due at the first of each month following