
Hannah Prindiville 
Lamb of God Lutheran Church 
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Lamb of God Lutheran Church College Sign Up 

Hello college students! We are so excited for this stage of your life and we hope that you are having a wonderful experience whether you are far from home or local.  By signing up we would love to encourage you this year by sending you an amazing care package put together by our Youth ministry. Please register by October 29th at 10:00pm for our cut off date and time.  You will receive one care package this year during the end of your Fall semester and encouraging letters in the spring semester.  Please let us know if we can pray for you!  Remember, LOG is affiliated with our college ministry, The Station, which is designated just for you!  Check them out by visiting the Facebook group page, The Station. The Station also offers summer fellowship and Bible study events even if you are just home during that season.  God's blessings on your school year!