
Leah Hastings, Executive Director 
Private Care Association 

Private Care Association Membership 


Annual Conference Rate: Discounted Member RateAnnual Conference: Essential updates and education, legislative andlegal items specific to PCA, business development, networking with sponsorsand other PCA members.

New Member Reception: Meet the Board and other new or prospectivePCA members at the annual conference during a special reception to providea basic overview and orientation to the PCA.

Newly Designed and User-Friendly Website: Get breakinglegislative news and all the resources PCA has to offer, including: A Member’s Only discussion and issue forum, Legislative Updates, Coming Events, Members in the News, Member Directory and links to other tools andresources essential to registries.

Learning to Lobby: PCA offers informational sessions to teach you howto connect and lobby PCA and registry issues at both state and national levels.This session is held in conjunction with PCA Fly Ins to Washington D.C.

Registry Do’s and Don’ts: PCA provides an informative pamphletoutlining the basics of caregiver registries, including the essential do’s anddon’ts and issues commonly faced by registries with tips on how to effectivelymanage these challenges.

Compliance: Through the CRSB registries can make application to becomean accredited caregiver registry. This is essential to ensure your registry is runningaccording to business model standards. Additional fee required for accreditation.

PCA Newsletter, email blasts, Webinars and other information sessions offered via phone and Internet:Stay up to date on current legislative and registry essential issues in the convenience of your office or home. Members will receive a discounted rate for all webinars.

Use of PCA logo on printed and web-based materials with required linkback to PCA site.

Member Materials for public relations and marketing, including Consumer Brochure & Sample Advertisments.

**Our dues structure is based on an annual renewal schedule from the date you join.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Private Care Association, representing Caregiver Registries throughout the U.S. since 1977.

Before you complete your Application, we ask that you please download and review our "Registry Do's and Don'ts" Guide to ensure that your business is indeed operating as a registry. The guide offers you the basics of running a Caregiver Registry. Please keep in mind that each state has different regulations and these are typical industry standards. If your business is not operating in this way, please contact us to learn more about the benefits of operating as a Registry. If you are a Registry and your business is not currently accredited through the Caregiver Registry Standards Board (CRSB) we highly recommend going through that process. You can learn more about the CRSB by visiting