
Rev. Gary Rueter

Deacon Training Advisory Team

(540) 841-8673

Mailing Address

Southeastern District, LCMS 
6315 Grovedale Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310

SED Lay Deacon Program

Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod

Welcome to the new Deacon Training initiative here in the Southeastern District! We are excited that you have taken the time to prayerfully consider participating in this new training. In partnership with the Mission Training Center (MTC), it is designed to equip and empower men and women for Kingdom service within your congregation and beyond as an everyday missionary in love and service to your neighborhood and community. 

Jesus says the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. (Matt 9:37) The SED Deacon Training is a great way to answer our Lord’s call and join Him in what He is doing today!

Lay Deacon Application 

  • The SED Lay Deacon application needs to be filled out and submitted to the Lay Deacon Advisory Board by using the online application below. After completing the application, a letter from the Supervising Pastor is required. The letter should attest to the moral and spiritual character of the applicant. Please send the letter from the Supervising Pastor to Rev. Gary Rueter at 

  • After reviewing the application and doing a background check of the applicant, the Lay Deacon Advisory Board will contact the applicant with an acceptance or declination correspondence.

  • Upon acceptance, the applicant and Supervising Pastor will receive a packet with: Instructions on how to apply for the Mission Training Center courses and Goals and expectations for the applicant and Supervising Pastor.

Please note that completion of the course work does not automatically qualify an individual to be a Certified SED Lay Deacon. Appropriate interviews will occur after completing the course work before Lay Deacon certification is granted.

May the Lord of the Church bless your study and your service in His name, and to His glory. Soli Deo Gloria