You are invited to a phone converation about

Passion Spark Retreats 

at a time that works for you.

During Passion Spark Retreats, a caring environment emerges among participants which is almost magical as the students support each other in the process of discovery.  

A top interest of teenagers, and their engaged parents, when thinking about their future, is to be admitted into a chosen college, vocation school, or to find a good job.  Unfortunately, 70% of the American workforce is dissatisfied with their career (Gallup). 

Is it possible to do what you love and earn a good living?  This Retreat answers with: "Yes, absolutely!" 

Finding that balance between what we love and what earns us a living is a lifelong activity.  Passion Spark guides its participants to answer it for now, and offers a way to do so throughout life.

Participants love the unfolding as they see more of themselves.  Together, with the guidance of the Passion Spark team, they create and nurture this fertile ground to stimulate this unfolding to occur.

With best intentions, most schools guide students to one day make a living by focusing on the “external” world of careers.  While of course earning a living is a key goal, we invite Retreat participants to consider another critical, and often missing, goal. 

We invite students to be gently guided by us into their own “inner” world to autonomously discover or uncover one of their core passions.  Then, by intelligently matching their passion to a career, and to a college major or vocation direction, students increase their ability to one day have their dream job.


At a time convenient to you.  Please indicate this time on the Registration Form and we will get back to you to confirm that time and date or suggest another.


Your preferred location for a phone conversation. 


Jerry Beckerman, Director 
Passion Spark Retreat Workshops 