
Days and times vary by individual group


Location varies by individual group 



Bennie Levy 
Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church 
440-237-7958 ext. 117 

Winter 2017 - Life Group Registration 

Dig deeper into sermon topics and make new friends by joining a life group - small groups that meet weekly in members homes, at church or in other locations.  You can explore Biblical truths in more detail with people just like you and discuss how to apply them to you life.

There are many groups to choose from, some open to anyone, some targeted (e.g., women, men, young couples, moms, empty nesters, geographic areas).


Hop in, hop out

Life groups are ongoing, but you can sign up to join one at the beginning of each new sermon series... or, take abreak whenever you want.

Winter 2017 Life Groups
Small Group Studies on "Seven Daily Sins: How the Gospel Redeems our Deepest Desires",
a DVD-based study by Jared C. Wilson