
October 30 - November 22

Wed & Fri 6:30-8am
8 classes


Yoga Kula
1700 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA


Jonny Nobleza
Shunyata Yoga


Balakrama (Stepping into Strength)
Foundational Track 2019

With Jonny Nobleza

In this series, you will be introduced to the first of the Shadow Yoga Preludes, called Balakrama (Stepping Into Strength). It is a dynamic bone-strengthening sequence, which actively engages one's center (navel region), hands, feet, and breath. This form removes marma (energetic obstructions) from the legs and pelvis to free the downward flow of prana, detoxify the blood, and strengthen the lungs. Once the Chaya Sanchalam Prelude has been taught, students will be introduced to the seated work of asana vinyasa.

*Prerequisite: Knowledge of the Shadow Yoga warm-ups, dasha chalanam and jiva chalanam.

All Shadow Yoga courses require pre-registration. Consistent attendance is required.

*Drop-in sessions are offered to students who have already completed the same course or prelude.

This course is the third session of the Foundational Track. It is also open to all students who meet the prerequisites.

We offer this course on a sliding-scale model of $15 - $35 per class. We encourage everyone to give according to their means.

Sliding-scale payment for Balakrama: $120 - $280