


Charlon Bobo 
Stand In Your Power


Saturday October 30, 2010 at 11 AM (Pacific)

Register for one and receive live access to both teleclasses, recordings for both teleclasses, and a complimentary copy of Overcomers, Inc.: True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration with your choice of personal inscription!

Add to my calendar

Even if you cannot attend the event live, feel free to register. You will receive an audio link afterwards so you can listen at your convenience to the inspirations and practical tools to master the Sacred Art of Money Magnetism.




1-hour teleclass

The Art of Money Magnetism Revealed

9 Life-Tested Techniques
to Make Peace with Outrageous Abundance,
Permanently Heal Your Relationship with Money
and Position Yourself for Life's Continuous Bounty


"Make peace with outrageous abundance. You are more likely to have a
pure vibration, and attract even more abundance in its many forms."
 ~ Abraham

Like never before, we are inundated with enticements to purchase this book or that product to end money woes. Although they might work for a while, soon your subconscious patterning pulls you back into the depths of despair that got you searching for a solution in the first place! It’s a vicious cycle, and you are not alone.

It is the same experience for hundreds of thousands across the globe. And it was for me, as well… until I discovered that I was completely focused on the wrong thing! I had to come at it from another angle, but what was it, and how?  

Let me guess... you've tried everything, right? Whether it’s a tip, technique, book, seminar, insight, or inspiration, you desperately (we're going to address that at the core!) glom onto the next one thing, hoping, praying, meditating and crossing your fingers that this time, the thing will work. You're tenacious and have such good intentions. You desire to make your unique contribution to the planet, but just getting by will never allow that to happen. You may have even lost hope. I remember that feeling all too well.

Struggling and suffering may have been an underlying theme in your life; maybe even without your awareness. The good new is: that's all about to change for you; permanently! If you're doubtful, I understand. It takes courage to hope one more time. 

Since that first insight about shifting my focus to something else that would change things forever, I have amassed a toolkit of components that when used in combination (that’s one of the keys!), breaks open a treasure trove of ease, peace and confidence, benefiting every facet of life.

If you're thinking that this experience is unique to me, I assure you: life's bounty is for every one of us. Yes, that means YOU! Whether you desire any of the items below or something completely your own, you can learn the tools to make peace with outrageous abundance and materialize manifestations every day.

The reason I share actual, real-world examples (below) of how these 9 techniques have benefited my life is to assure you: whatever you want, you can experience. And based on my life experience, how it shows up will far exceed your imaginings!

Do you desire:

  • fun, new projects? (Surprising opportunities pop into my life every week providing for my necessary fun quotient! "Work" is fun, interesting and stimulating.)
  • new clients? (My latest client is a worldwide online video service focusing on delivering content on my favorite subjects; spirituality, self-help, motivation and personal growth. I get paid to write about what I love. And they pursued me!)  
  • a living environment that inspires your creativity? (I manifested a house with a tropical garden specifically so I could host  a luau in my back yard to celebrate my 40th birthday! How fun is that?!)
  • supportive friends? (Attending a MeetUp group for the first time a few years ago, I met two interesting, smart, savvy, and spiritual women who are close friends to this day. This was in response to my desire to build a local social network.)
  • to meet someone interesting? (Who knew one, heartfelt post on Craigslist would deliver such a high-caliber beloved... and within 24 hours?)
  • improved health? (By implementing just a few of my 9 proven techniques, my own chronic pain of 15 years was completely eliminated!)
  • cash? (No matter how much or how little money I had, I worried. When I didn't have it, I worried about when it would come in, and how. When it did come in, it vanished within days to get caught up on outstanding bills. Then, I was back to zero... again. I was a wreck. The balance in my bank account no longer controls me. I have a certainty about my needs and indulgences being met... all without worry. There's no feeling like that freedom. I can finally breathe. (And I can show you how to breathe, too! 

I made peace with outrageous abundance and I want to share "the how" with you because the results in my own life tickle my heart. (And there's so much more than what I shared above.) What you do with the information is your prerogative, but when you understand that there are: 

  • key components to clear
  • insights to embrace, and
  • powerful, yet simple tools to set the tone for every day

you are naturally poised for good fortune because you are in its direct path!

The laws of the Universe work the same for every person, regardless of circumstance. When you are aligned (by implementing the tools I’ll share with you), money, love, friendships, health, miracles and much more are simply yours! It’s the Law. And so it is.

THAT’S why I am excited to share every single tool I now use in my everyday life. You get an insider peek into my personal bag-o-tricks; I will hold nothing back because I worked incredibly hard to be in a position to share this knowledge. I did it with a ton of time, trial-and-error and enough tears to fill an ocean. Fortunately, you don’t have to go that route. We share this planet and when we share knowledge, the way is made easier for us all.

Make peace with outrageous abundance once-and-for-all. With an investment of $67 and one hour, you will be fully-equipped with your own toolkit to become a perpetual abundance magnet (and so much more)! With your registration, you also receive a copy of my best-selling book Overcomer's Inc.: True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration valued at $24.00. Overcoming life's challenges is a human experience. You will be moved by this diverse collective of stories that penetrates the heart and opens your understanding of what is truly possible when we face adversity with courage. I will personally sign it with the inscription of your choice.

Will you join me in the outrageous abundance lifestyle? Just hit the register NOW button below to be whisked to registration wonderland.


For a $67 registration fee, you receive: 

  • Knowledge of the 9 Life-Tested Techniques To Make Peace with Outrageous Abundance and Permanently Heal Your Relationship with Money. These are the essential keys to be free, forever. They're easy to understand and put into action immediately so you see results immediately. I'll give you everything you need to know. And don't worry if it sounds like a lot of work, or that it's hard. We'll have fun in the process of transforming your life, simply by shifting your thoughts!

  • Additional tools that allow you to take full authority of your life NOW! No longer will money issues plague you. You will rightfully claim what is yours and begin living from this space simply with this knowledge. And once you learn these tools, you can use them in every area of your life to quickly and powerfully manifest romance, relationships, happiness, health, clarity, vision or a new direction. You will be unstoppable!

  • A complimentary copy of Overcomer's, Inc.: True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration (value $24.00). This is my best-selling book and I want you to have your own copy; keep it for yourself or give it away as a gift. I will even write the inscription of your choice on the inside cover. (Offer limited to quantities in stock and to U.S. and Canadian mailing addresses.)

  • Two, 1-hour teleclass audios (same content--one audio from each class). Register once and receive BOTH audios. Listen to the inspired message and the 9 Life-Tested Techniques whenever it's convenient for you OR when you need a little refresher.

  • Surprise BONUS content that is currently in-the-works. With every teleclass, I give you additional content that supports the theme. Committed to overdelivery, this is the only approach that makes sense so you get every penny's worth of value for the price of your investment.



Even if you cannot attend the event live, feel free to register. You will receive audio links afterwards TO BOTH CLASSES so you can listen at your convenience to the inspiration and detailed how-to's. It's knowledge that no one can take from you and once you learn these techniques, they are applicable to all areas of your life. I look forward to hearing you on the call!