The Personal Development Coaching Call with George Ira Carroll

Together, we can create more!

Success Together

Next Call - Understanding Fear: You weren't born with it!!

Thursday, January 27, 2010 - 12:00pm-1:00pm



George Ira Carroll 
303 9914680 


Thursday January 27, 2011 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM MST

Add to my calendar 


Call in: (605) 475-4800 - Access number: 673298# 


Do you have a desire to experience MORE in your life? Do you desire more abundance, more freedom, more connection, more joy or MORE of anything else? Wecome to the Personal Development Coaching Call with George Ira Carroll - A source for personal development!

In this call, we will look at various tools, techniques, modalities insights, concepts and strategies to become the best possible version of YOU that you can become. We will look at various subjects in the world of personal development and tackle your challenging issues in the process!!

This call will be every other week, and designed to help you work through some of your challenges in life. You will also have an opportunity to get live, FREE one-on-one laser coaching with me personally!! Each call, we will look at various topics, then 1 person will have the opportunity to get a FREE 30-minute coaching with me. Then, we will end with a ten minute Qustion & Answer session!

***If you would like to be coached by me on this call, e-mail me at and send me a paragraph of the specific area in which you'd like to receive coaching on. Your name will be kept anonymous and I'll choose the scenario that I feel will best serve the call!!***

This FREE call will allow you to get some great tools and insights to apply into your life. Because, as you may know, if you don't apply it, you don't know it. A wise man once said, "Wisdom is the application of knowledge." We're going to be covering some really great information on these calls, and what will make the difference is you applying them into your life!

Next Call - Understanding Fear: You weren't born with it!!

Have you ever wondered what what stops most people from taking action toward what they want most in life?? Many Personal Development masters say that FEAR is the number one thing that stops most people from moving toward their dreams. Fear of the unknown, fear of being judged, fear of failing, fear of not looking good, and other types of fear.

Fear is one of the least understood phenomemon one the planet, and one of the most powerful sources of unhappiness and stagnation in our lives. The interesting thing to note is this: YOU WEREN'T BORN WITH FEAR. Well, actually, let me clarify. According to studies, we were born with 2 innate fears:

  • Fear of loud noises
  • Fear of falling

All other fears are learned fears and anything that can be learned, can be unlearned! Is it easy to unlearn fear? No. Can it be done? Absolutely! It takes courage persistence and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. Most people value comfort because it keeps them safe from the illusions they think await them if they begin pursuing their dreams and visions. Comfort is a growth killer and is a major reason why dreams, goals and life visions aren't being realized in the world today.

In this call, we're going to be discussing 3 powerful tools that you can begin to use as you begin to move through your fear:

  • How creating a vision and a goal for your life can help move you through fear
  • The power of the worst case scenario
  • The shift of seeing life from the end

We're all building our houses of life, and the more tools we have to build our life house, the more effective and beautiful we can create our lives. In the end, there is no right way to play this game of life, and if I had a question for you, it would be this: At the end of your time on this planet, what will you have wished you would have experienced more of?? Looking forward to having you on the call :)

***If you would like to be coached by me on this call, e-mail me at and send me a paragraph of the specific area in which you'd like to receive coaching on. Your name will be kept anonymous and I'll choose the scenario that I feel will best serve the call!!***