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Thursday, June 16, 2011
3:00 -  5:00 p.m.

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Maine Philanthropy Center 
(207) 780-5039 


Fee - there is a $25 fee per person for MPC Members ($45 NonMembers).

Cancellations - if your plans change and you cannot attend, please email  Cancellations received before June 7, 2011 will be fully refunded; thereafter, refunds will be made at the discretion of MPC and may include a $10 service fee.


The Maine Philanthropy Center seeks to create a community of shared inquiry characterized by mutual respect and trust. While networking is encouraged, we ask all participants to refrain from soliciting funds at MPC meetings.

2011 MPC Annual Meeting

Is There Anything New About Innovation? A Cherished Philanthropic Buzzword
Thursday, June 16, 2011
3:00 to 5:00 p.m. 
Light refreshments will be served.
 Abromson Center, USM Campus, Portland
$25 MPC Members / $45 NonMembers

Gara LaMarcheWe are delighted that Gara LaMarche, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies has accepted our invitation to be this year's keynote speaker. As an internationally recognized leader in the field of philanthropy and advocacy, he often challenges the norms. On the relationship between philanthropy and government for example, he said, "Philanthropy has too often in the last several decades kept an arm's length relationship with government and public policy. That has to change if we are to have any hope of making real progress on many of the leading challenges of our time."

His talk Is There Anything New About Innovation? A Cherished Philanthropic Buzzword will address philanthropy's inclination for "the new" and how that approach has impacted our focus on the most critical issues.

As a major national and international funder, The Atlantic Philanthropies are committed to making improvements in the lives of people who need change the most. In keeping with the Giving While Living philosophy of their founder, Charles "Chuck" Feeney, co-founder of Duty Free Shoppers, they believe in making large investments to help solve urgent social problems now, so they are less likely to become larger, more entrenched and more expensive challenges later on. To that end, Atlantic will become the largest foundation in history to spend down their endowment. Since its founding in the early 1980s, they have made grants totaling more than $5.5 billion. More about The Atlantic Philanthropies.


We are especially grateful to Federal Street Advisors for their sponsorship of this event.
logo - Federal Street Advisors