
Bryn Mota 
CWRU Employee Wellness 
216 368-3093 


Friday, January 20, 2012

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM



Adelbert Hall, Toepfer Room 


Jan. 20th Free Wellness Seminar: 

Spine Health

Neck Pain

Back and neck problems affect nearly 80% of Americans.  Low back pain, neck pain, facial pain, hip pain, leg pain, headaches and other chronic pains negatively affect not only your quality of life, but it also affects your family, friends and co-workers.

In 2005 American's spend nearly $85 billion in search of pain relief.  It is a costly ailment to us both personally and in the workplace.

What exercises can you do for relief?  What pain relievers are best for you?  Does massage work? When is it time to see the doctor? What are your treatment options?  Join Dr. David Hart, Director of the Spinal Neurosurgery Center at UHCMC to discuss the common causes of neck and back pain, prevention and treatment strategies.  

Register Now!                                                Please note the room is Adelbert Hall, Toepfer Room!