GBC Banner 2012


Peggy Thorpe, National VOICE Director 
Youth Advocate Programs, Inc.


National Volunteer Week

Sunday to Saturday,

April 15th to April 21st, 2012

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Your Local Community!

In communities across the US, we're organizing an opportunity to collectively engage in individual or group acts that share our gifts, talents and time to help address a need in our local communities.

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The 2012 National Give Back Challenge 

Dr. King once said "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'"

“Doing for others” is not just a nice thing to do when we have extra time or resources. It is essential for our communities to become competent and self reliant. As our communities and their members become increasing reliant on fractured and ineffectual systems, we must recognize that every one of us has gifts and talents to share, and through sharing our strengths, we build stronger communities. And what's even more awesome- we help ourselves by helping others, because it feels good to give back!

The “Give Back Challenge”

The “Give Back Challenge” is an organized, national effort, highlighting the importance of building stronger communities and decreasing community reliance on “systems” by emphasizing the importance of “care” from people within the community. This initiative will empower youth and families to take leadership roles through using their strengths and assets to address community needs.

Give Back in YOUR Community

Everyone is challenged to participate in a YAP-wide week of care from April 15-21.  Youth, families, staff and community partners will pledge to engage in at least one activity that provides those involved with an opportunity to share their gifts, talents and time to address a need in the local community

 Needs include:

  • Broad community needs such as neighborhood service projects or systems change advocacy 
  • Meeting needs of specific individuals within the community

Please let us know what you’re doing, and we encourage you to share your efforts with us creatively- in stories, photos, videos or other creative ways- so that we can share the good news with others! :)