

Friday, April 20th
12:00 PM to 1:20 PM 

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Matthew Smtih 
Highland City Club 

Walk in the World: Introduction
Friday, April 20th

Dear City Club Members,

We would like to introduce you to Walk in the World, a simple and powerful approach for integrating the insight and awareness of sitting meditation into daily living.

PatriciaWalk in the World, presented by Dr Patricia Klauer, will explore the basics of how to integrate the clarity, peace and insight of meditation into your daily working life.

Peace, creativity, relaxation, and even genius seem to all be associated with the same patterns in the human brain. It holds both the hope of possibility and full equanimity.

Even though it is always and already present and available to everyone, most of us don’t know how to access it with ease and predictable regularity. Alpha-i is dedicated to making this calm, clear and luminous state of mind accessible to all in the midst of everyday 21st Century living.

In this session we will explore the basic mind body conversation that serves to either prevent or empower us to experience the ease and flowing of walking in the world in full alignment. We will offer practical meditation practices and discuss active self-inquiry, the value of peer group orientation and fostering the wisdom of the circle.


WIW has been invaluable program to help me to hone a clarity and connection to my native intelligence and intuition. This has allowed me to drop old patterns of thinking that no longer serve me and see the full scope of options available as I navigate in a high-demand work personal life. My relationships with work, myself, and the people I care about are stronger, and the results are better than I could have possibly imagined.
~ Jason Dilg, Director of Strategic Partnerships & Program Director, Van Heyst Group

($20 includes lunch for Members and Guests)