
Friday November 2, 2012 from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM EDT

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Boston Marriott Newton
2345 Commonwealth Avenue
Newton, MA 02466

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Why We Need Your Help


MEDA receives calls from countless public schools who cannot afford an educational presentation. 

Last year 98% of students reported that a MEDA presentation was interesting and worthwhile. With your support, we can start a scholarship fund for schools.

Many of MEDA’s clients cannot afford a basic assessment or attend a support group.

Today, only 1 in 10 people with an eating disorder receives treatment.

With your support, we can offer free assessments or sliding scale fees to those who need it most.

The MEDA website receives over 2 million hits per year, yet MEDA does not have a budget to maintain the increase in traffic.

The internet is an invaluable tool to help people find support, treatment and resources.

With your support, we can build a better and more comprehensive website.

About MEDA

MEDA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and disorders eating. MEDA's mission is to prevent the continuing spread of eating disorders through educational awareness and early detection.

For more information call 866.343.MEDA or email info@medainc.org. You can also visit our website at www.medainc.org.



Mary Korba
617-558-1881 x18


Kristin Tyman
617-558-1881 x12



A Celebration of Recovery to Honor:

Caroline C. Balz, The Bikofsky Family, and Judith Feldman, MD

Friday, November 2, 2012 * 6:30-10:00 PM * Boston Newton Marriott


About the Event:

The MEDA Annual Gala is an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the shared visions - that no person, male or female, young or old, needs to feel that their weight is a measure of their character; that people can and do fully recover from eating disorders; and that we all can play a role in ending the stigma associated with eating disorders.

The event is a festive evening complete with a cocktail hour, silent auction, dinner and awards ceremony. Guests are encouraged to wear a sprig of purple to honor the eating disorder cause.   This year's honorees exemplify MEDA's mission and are sources of inspiration!  The honorees represent the organization's three branches - Connect to Confidence (CTC), Connect to Growth (CTG) and Connect to Recovery (CTR). 

Caroline C. Balz will be honored for work done under the CTC Branch. For years, Caroline has dedicated her time, energy, creativity and expertise to this organization. From her thoughtful planning and leadership as the Board Chair to her strong advocacy work on behalf of individuals who struggle with eating disorders to her support of families and friends of those who struggle, she has been a tireless ally to MEDA. Caroline is a MEDA Professional Member, has served as Gala Chair in the past and continues to serve on the MEDA Board of Directors.

Judith Feldman, MD will be honored for work done under the CTG Branch. For decades Judith's psychiatric treatment advice has been sought after by clients and providers alike. Her approach to eating disorder treatment has made her one of the most well-respected doctors in the field. A MEDA Professional Member from the beginning, Judith has been a member of the MEDA Conference Committee and presented multiple times at the MEDA Conference. Her colleagues and fellow Professional Members chose her as the recipient of this award.


The Bikofsky Family will be honored for work done under the CTR Branch. The Bikofsky Family has been connected to MEDA for years in a number of different roles. First as clients, then speakers, volunteers, and now as friends. Their family's journey to recovery has been inspirational! We are thrilled to thank them for their dedication to MEDA and for providing hope to other families through the years.



Ways to be Involved:

  • To purchase tickets, tables, sponsorships or advertisement space, click here.
  • For details regarding the benefits associated with sponsorships, click here.  For specifics on advertisement space, click here.
  • Spread the word on Twitter! Use the hash tag #MEDAGala


2011 Gala Photos:

MEDA is so appreciative of the over 275 guests who attended the 2011 Gala and helped the organization reach its fundraising goals. We hope to see you at the event in 2012! Take a look at last year's photo gallery.