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Don Macke
Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
Phone: 402-323-7339


Local Economic Development & Entrepreneurship

Don Macke with the RURPI ( Center for Rural Entrepreneurship ( will present a community library focused webinar training on July 26, 2012 from Noon to 1 PM Central and 11 to Noon Mountain.  Don is a 35 year veteran of working with rural communities in Nebraska and throughout North America.  His training will provide an overview of local economic development, the role of entrepreneur-focused economic development and why community libraries should be involved.  This training will be followed by a session in August by Christine Hamilton-Pennell which will drill down into possible library roles in supporting local entrepreneurs.   Both sessions will be hands on, practical and full of ideas that community libraries can use to meet the needs of their entrepreneur patrons. 

Who Should Attend?
Community Library Staff, Volunteers and Patrons
Local Community Economic Development Leaders & Supporters
(e.g., chambers of commerce, industrial corporations, tourism groups, main street programs, workforce, education, etc.)

Area Entrepreneurs

If I Attend What Will I Learn?
Why economic development is foundational to community success.
Why communities should support entrepreneur-focused economic development.
Who should be Involved in growing entrepreneurs as a way to grow your community.
Why libraries are central to supporting area entrepreneurs.

Your Presenter.  Don Macke is native of Nebraska and has worked in communities throughout the state for over 35 years.  He has extensive experience helping communities craft entrepreneur-focused economic development strategies.  He has also had the chance to work with libraries and librarians.  Don believes that libraries can be part of the core infrastructure central to helping a community’s entrepreneurs succeed and grow.