
CWRU Wellness 


Tuesday September 11, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EDT

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Nord Hall, Room 310 



Sept. 11th Health Seminar: Weight Loss! 

Happy on scaleWhen dreaming about your retirement and growing older, do you envision travelling, enjoying time with family, golfing or other activities?  We are sure you don't picture a life with limited abilities, disease or illness.

Now is the time to make positive health changes for the rest of your life and to set the right example for your family and friends. We not only want you to live a long life, but a quality life where you can enjoy all that you can.  For many, that begins with weight loss, physical activity and better eating/nutrition.

Commit to your health this fall!  Join us to learn more about easy ways to start or continue your weight loss program with exercise and general nutrition. What exercises are best, how much is needed, what do you do if and when you plateau, how to avoid injury, etc.

Weight loss has a positive impact on so many different aspects of your life.  Reduced risk of disease, increased energy, improved productivity, decreased health care and other costs, reduced illness, and more!

You will also learn more about the CWRU Get "Fit for Life" program starting September 24th.  The program offers 8- or 12-week exercise based programs (Choose to Lose)  and a 12-week nutrition-based weight loss program (Take It Off) for those needing to lose 20+ pounds.  

Hear from "graduates" of the Get "Fit for Life" program.  Ask them questions and get honest feedback about their journeys, struggles and successes! Submit advanced questions when you register.

Please invite your co-workers and classmates to join you, we look forward to seeing you and working together for better health!