
Beth Love 
Inner Light Ministries 


Saturday December 15, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST

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Inner Light Center 
5630 Soquel Drive
Soquel, CA 95073

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Spirit's Gift Playshop


Beth Love and Kathy Schmidt

Saturday, Dec. 15, 10:00am–5:00pm

ILM Social Hall, Fee: $5-20 sliding scale

Additional materials fees will apply for some projects.

Would you love to spend a day creating and playing in spiritual community?  Connecting with others while allowing Spirit’s beauty to flow through you?  Making lovely, functional gifts to give to loved ones?  Join us for a gift-making workshop for all ages.  We will pray together and play together.  Gift possibilities include paper lamps, decorative baskets, herbal salves, marbleized paper, handmade cards, journal covers, paper gift boxes, jewelry, and more!  A per project materials fee will be charged for some projects to cover costs.  Unleash your creative potential and allow your inner artist to come out and play!

Kathy Schmidt loves to craft.  Scrapbooking and card-making are her specialties.  Kathy is a founding member of Inner Light’s Magic and Adventure Ministry.

Beth Love loves being in the zone while allowing God to create beautiful objects through her.  She passionately shares her love of crafting with people of all ages.  You can see some of Beth’s art in the ILM Bookstore.