CPSM Certification Exam Review Course
Orlando, FL
13-15 November 2013

CPSM® Certification Pass Guarantee

  • Take CPSM® exams within 30 days of class completion date
  • If you fail, we’ll assume the financial risk. We’ll pay the reexam fees, analyze your results, and offer custom coaching
  • If you fail again, we’ll pay the re-exam fees, analyze your results, and offer custom coaching
  • At any time, you can attend our next available class at our cost


Wednesday November 13, 2013 at 8:00 AM EST
Friday November 15, 2013 at 5:00 PM EST

Add to Calendar 


Email: info@cpsmtraining.com

Call: +1(877)680-0494


Embassy Suites Orlando Airport 
5835 T.G. Lee Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32822

Driving Directions 

“I passed the CPSM Certification Tests in less than 30 days

using the methods and strategies presented in the seminar. ”

Dr. Randall M. Mauldin, USMC (ret), CPSM ®, PMP®

Over half the people who attended the Certified Professional Supply Management CPSM Certification Boot Camp PASSED ALL three exams within 30 days of the course


The Experience of Dana from Tennessee:

3 days after the Boot Camp

“… Just wanted to let you know that so far so good on the exams. Exam 1 and Exam 2 are complete and I have passed with a 460 and 470…remembering the objective is to pass! Techniques are working with about 20 -30 questions being skipped on the first pass and I had about 40 minutes left on Exam 1 and a complete hour on Exam 2 when finished. Will let you know how I finish tomorrow evening after Exam 3. Thanks, Dana”

5 days after the Boot Camp

“I passed Exam 3! So I am done sir…thanks again for helping me get there…I would say #3 was the toughest for me.” -Dana, Tennesse


Certification Equals Results – The CPSM certification tells the world you are a professional in a core function of every organization. CPSM Certified Professionals earn 23% more than those without the certification. The Institute for Supply Management stated that a 2.5% reduction in procurement costs produces the same amount of profit as a 10% increase in sales. We want to help you earn the credential that tells everyone you are a Supply Chain Leader that can provide solutions in a time when sales are flat or declining.

Immediate Impact – For those who participate in the course, the content will immediately achieves cost savings for your organization because the concepts and techniques provide actionable information to improve your sourcing activities. Organizations developing a strategic sourcing program benefit from sending key personnel to this intense course  because the course will bring about cost saving changes in the near term and set the foundation for strategic thinking required for a synchronized supply chain.

Intense & Effective – Jack Quinn Solutions, LLC offers the most intense and effective preparation courses for the Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM) exam offered by the Institute for Supply Management. Focused immersion provides participants with the knowledge to achieve results and pass the exams.

One-Stop Shop – Course provides everything you need to prepare and pass the CPSM Exams, to include books, study guides, Web Diagnostic Exams, and a guarantee that is unmatched by any other course provider.

Success is guaranteed – You will achieve success on the CPSM® Exams offered by the Institute for Supply Management because we guarantee that if you do not pass the exams, then we will pay for the second and, if necessary, the third attempts.

This course will optimize your time because we will …

  • Focus on areas with the most questions on the exam
  • Review the different formats used by ISM to ask questions
  • Provide a review of memorization techniques in order to optimize learning
  • Discuss stress management techniques to keep your mind focused 
Most importantly, we will provide you with a study strategy that will ensure your success between the time the course ends and the exam

This course is for anyone involved in the buying  process:

Supply Chain Managers ~ Buyers ~ Purchasing Managers ~ Contract Administrators ~ Project Managers

CPSM® Certification Pass Guarantee

  • Take CPSM® exams within 30 days of class completion date
  • If you fail, we’ll assume the financial risk. We’ll pay the reexam fees, analyze your results, and offer custom coaching
  • If you fail again, we’ll pay the re-exam fees, analyze your results, and offer custom coaching
  • At any time, you can attend our next available class at our cost
Price: $3,297 

Non ISM Members - $2,897
ISM: $2,497


Each participant will be issued their own set of study materials for the CPSM Certification Boot Camp and study efforts after the course.

Course binder
Workbook with answer key
Case Studies
Professional instruction to prepare for the CPSM Test / CSM Test

And that’s not all! When you sign up today, You will also receive these BONUSES!!!

Study Prep Kit (Value $447)

ISM Professional Series
CPSM Study Guide or CSM Study Guide
CPSM Diagnostic Kits
ISM Glossary

Supply Leaders’ Academy (Value $2497/year)

19 hours of video from CPSM Certification Boot Camp (Begin reviewing the Material Now)
19 hours of audio from CPSM Certification Boot Camp (listen in your car or mp3 player)
Strategies and Techniques Used To Study The CPSM Exam Questions
Monthly Supply Leader webinars
Immediate Access!!!

Bonus Video #1 – Tom Fulmer – Human Behavior Expert (Value $497)

Tom discusses how to use the DISC model to achieve influence in negotiations and leadership

Bonus Video #2 – Alicia Mauldin – Certified Professional STRESS Manager (Value $297)

Alicia teaches us how to manage our stress before and during the exam using stress management techniques



Day 1 - Foundations of Supply Management
Exam 1

Day 2 - Effective Supply Management Performance
Exam 2

 Day 3 - Leadership in Supply Management
Exam 3

Any person who completes the 3-day course may attend another course at no charge, so long as they keep the material from the original class

Whether you have been through intense self-study or have yet to open a book, the course will provide a foundation to achieve a passing score. 

Call us about Corporate Rates, Group Rates, and Onsite Training   Participants who successful complete this program will receive 16 hours of continuing education. ISM’s consent to allow usage of the CPSM® logo is not an endorsement by ISM of this program, its content or its instruction
Classes availability based on a minimum number of students and instructor availability. The company reserves the right to cancel a course or reschedule a course as required to ensure sufficient attendance. Any course canceled  will be rescheduled and fees will be applied to the next course.
No refunds will be issued for no-shows, travel delays, missed sessions or cancellations.