
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Doors at 3:15 p.m.

Opening Remarks at 3:30 p.m.

Dinner at 6:30 p.m.


Mt. Abraham High School 
7 Airport Dr.
Bristol, VT 05443

Driving Directions 


Lea Calderon-Guthe, Manager
Addison County Relocalization Network 
(802) 382-0401 

Thank you to our generous

sponsors for funding the

ACORN Student Entrepreneur Awards:

Cafe services logo

MNFC logo

Natl Bank of Midd logo


Yankee Farm Credit Logo


Stone Soup Summit 2013 

Stone Soup 2013

Farm to School is the national movement to connect classrooms, cafeterias, and communities in order to improve school nutrition and foster students' abilities to make food choices that are good for their bodies, the environment, and their communities.

At the fourth annual Stone Soup Summit, Addison County will come together around a common goal: to celebrate, enrich and sustain our Farm to School programs now and in the future.

 Featuring an optional locally-sourced dinner, $10 a plate.

Childcare available by donation;
please contact lea@acornvt.org if interested.
Stone Soup Logo

 Don't forget about the ACORN Farm-to-School Awards

Students, submit your work to the Student Entrepreneur Awards by March 22.

And anyone can nominate their local Farm-to-School hero for the Farm-to-School Inspiration Award. Submit nominations to lea@acornvt.org by March 15.