
Erin Davis 
Kinesiology Works 
646 641 8250 


Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th 2013
Add to CalendarThis is 2-day workshop so you will need to attend both days.


Awakening NY

Awakening NY 
607 Manhattan Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Driving Directions 

This workshop offered in association with


Flower Essence Workshop

New Perceptions in Life and Living 


Have you experienced a fear and don't know why? Do you notice similar thought patterns recurring in your life? Can you shift your thoughts to be more positive, deal with emotional upsets, and release unpleasant emotions?

WOmans face happy neutral sad

This workshop is perfect for helping you take responsibility for your life and learning new ways to bypass the conscious mind and clear the subconscious of old limiting patterns, clear up your energetic being and create a new reality.

This workshop will give you the tools to make a change!

Flower essences are a powerful tool in vibrational medicine that use the living forces of nature to help us align our life energy toward healthy growth and development. Flower essences are used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body-health.

Flower essences are catalysts for stimulating -

  • mind-body wellness
  • awareness and transformation
  • life-affirming habits and attitudes
  • the inner transformation process
  • our own innate capacities
  • upgrading limiting beliefs
  • the intuitive mind

NZNP FE Cards FE cards and bottles

While the use of flowers for healing has many ancient antecedents, the precise application of flower essences for specific emotions and attitudes was first developed by an English physician, Dr Edward Bach, in the 1930's.

Dr Bach developed a range of flower essences which demonstrated a remarkable insight into human nature. He recognized the significance of destructive emotions such as depression, hatred, shyness and fear. He realized the toll which unbalanced emotions and attitudes have on the human body.  The life forces conveyed by each flower essence resonate with, and awaken, particular qualities within the human soul. What qualities would you like to awaken?

Why take this workshop? 

Bach semi circle

The way in which we live - our physical, emotional, and mental habits - has a profound influence on our ability to resist disease, and to create greater health and well-being. This workshop puts the power of choice and change back in your hands so that you can influence your responses to the challenges you are presented in life. Learn how to use flower essences to change a mood or feeling, become more aware of the thoughts that are creating your reality, and upgrade limiting subconscious patterns. 

True health requires active self-awareness, in which each of us takes responsibility for life's challenges and lessons. Flower essences are a guide and support in this process.

This weekend is a personal exploration where you can choose a specific focus to clear. Get new insights on a problem, make a breakthrough in a challenging area of your life, or simply upgrade some "stinking thinking". We will apply the flower essence techniques in simple and practical ways to facilitate inner growth and awareness.

Some of the aspects covered in this weekend course include - 
•    Basic concepts of flower essence therapy
•    Specific uses of Bach Flower Remedies and New Zealand flower essences cards
•    History of flower essences - Dr Edward Bach
•    Bach’s seven personality types
•    Flower essence remedy preparation 

K-Power Logo Workshops

K-PowerŪ puts the power of choice and change back into your hands. It is the latest training programme developed by Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe, founders of the ICPKP. The K-PowerŪ series comprises a series of half-, one- and two-day workshops with a wide range of applications. K-PowerŪ workshops aim to empower you to improve your own health, discover new ways to relieve stress, increase stamina, make better decisions and improve your understanding of yourself and the people around you. They encourage ongoing personal development and thereby growth and healing for self, family and the communities you are involved in.


Our venue for this workshop will be Awakening NY, an exciting new urban sanctuary in the heart of Greenpoint/Williamsburg. They are an eco-green 7,000 sq.ft. Wellness Center and Healthy Cafe easily accessible from Manhattan and Brooklyn.

 Workshop Fees

  • Cost of Tuition = $250
  • Cost of Materials = $80 (Includes detailed K-PowerŪ manual, one pack of {72} New Zealand New Perception Flower Essence Cards, and a Personal Flower Essence Remedy) 
  • Total Workshop Fee is $330
    • NOTE - Current ICOHA students - Register below as "ICOHA Student" and contact me about class and payment options

There are a few spaces available. Registration and payment has been extended to Thursday April 25th. 
For maximum learning class size is limited to 16 participants.