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Tuesday September 24, 2013 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT
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Centers for Families and Children-Mandel Comm. Rm 
4500 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44103

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Sheri Dozier 
Neighborhood Progress, Inc. 

Credit is an Asset 

Join Us for a one-day interactive credit training designed to help practitioners better understand credit building programs and best practices in credit education.

This training will:

  • Help practitioners understand the value of
    good credit
  • Provide context of the credit industry,
    including emerging trends (e.g. alternative credit data  reporting such as utilities, telecoms and rent
  • Provide the framework for practitioners to
    design, implement, and measure a credit building program
  • Provide concrete guidance and resources for
    practitioners to identify responsible credit builder loan products and create
    credit coaching plans used directly with clients to help them achieve financial
  • Create the space for practitioners to share
    their on-the-ground experiences with helping clients navigate some of the
    complexities and nuances of building, repairing and protecting credit,
    particularly where there may be culture or context specific challenges