
Monday October 7, 2013 at 8:00 PM EDT
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Kevin Polk 
The Psychological Flexibility Group 

The Matrix for Entrepreneurs 

Please join me and learn some connections between working the matrix diagram and the entrepreneurial mindset. We will discuss staying creative in the face of all of those nagging doubts and other "mindy" stuff that plague entrepreneurs.

This training is for people who have (or think they might catch) the entrepreneur spirit. For those who love the feel of striking out to new frontiers. And especially for those who know the feeling of nagging doubts, less-than-helpful comments from friends and family, and sometimes just flat-out fear.

You will learn how to set up the Matrix diagram for yourself with an eye toward crativity and the entrepreneurial engine running under the surface of things. (No previous experience with the matrix diagram is needed.)

After the set up we will focus on:

  • Your entrepreneurial vision
  • Your entrepreneurial 'Toward' moves (these are really little things you do each day, nothing big)
  • The stuff that shows up inside of you and gets in the way of your creative spirit.
  • Keeping up the momentum (instead of doing 'Away' moves)
  • And more

Why this webinar is special? Well, where else have you seen matrix style entrepreneurism? All kidding aside, the matrix diagram and it's underlying scientific point of view are a wonderful way of finding and keeping your creative momentum.

Steve Hayes, co-founder of ACT says, “The Matrix opens the door to ACT in a way that is direct, simple, and useful. Kevin is not just its developer: he a master in its use. He lays down a great foundation for a more psychologically flexible approach to life and work.”

Your Prsenter: Dr. Polk has a bit of entrepreneur in him, and he is well know as The Secretary of Explaining Things. Toward that end he developed the Matrix diagram after over ten thousand hours of studying and practicing ACT. He is a peer-reviewed ACT trainer, and has an edited a book coming out called, The ACT Matrix... Published by New Harbinger and due out March 1, 2014.