
Wednesday October 23, 2013 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT
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Kevin Polk 
The Psychological Flexibility Group 

The Matrix and Mindfulness 


Note: This is a 2-session training. During session one you will learn the basics, then you will practice for a week, and then we will go over more advanced material during session two.

This webinar is for anyone interested in increasing mindful living. People from all walks of life are invited.

While the Matrix diagram was in part created to avoid the word "Mindfulness" because it turns off many people, at it's heart the Matrix is about mindful living. Come learn how to use the diagram to teach others (and yourself) how to 'step easy' into mindfulness, building on it day by day until you got a lot of mindful living.

During this training you will learn how to make mindfulness a behavior that you can increase day by day. Even a few seconds of increase per day quickly adds up to a lot of mindful living.

You will learn:

  • How to tie mindulness to valued living to increase your chances.
  • How to take advantage of mindfulness barriers for more mindfulness.
  • How to focus on the behavior of mindfulness rather than the harder "mental" stuff.

Steve Hayes, co-founder of ACT says, “The Matrix opens the door to ACT in a way that is direct, simple, and useful. Kevin is not just its developer: he a master in its use. He lays down a great foundation for a more psychologically flexible approach to life and work.”

Your Presenter: Kevin Polk has been practicing mindfulness and mediation for over thirty years. However, he long ago realized that both of the "M" words were a tough nut to crack for a lot of people. In most of his work he uses the word "Noticing." And noticing is a really good place to get started! Kevin is a peer-reviewed ACT trainer, clinical psychologist, handyman, husband and father. Not necessarily in that order.