
Tuesday November 12, 2013 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST
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Kevin Polk 
The Psychological Flexibility Group 

Suicide: working the ACT Matrix with People who are having suicidal ideations 

This webinar explains how ACT is based on working with suicidal people and how you can use the ACT Matrix diagram to flexibly engage people struggling with suicidal thoughts and help them toward valued living.

This webinar is for clinicians such as psychologists, physicians, social workers, nurses and others who encounter people struggling with suicidal thoughts. 

 You will learn:

  • how to look at suicidal thoughts from a psychologically flexible point of view
  • how to set up the ACT Matrix diagram so that you are ready if suicidal thoughts show up in a conversation
  • how to flexibly respond to suicidal comments, turning them into therapeutic opportunities.

What’s Special? The webinar will be presented in an easy-to-understand, no-nonsense manner. The point of view and interventions presented during this webinar can easily be applied a few minutes after listening to the webinar. 

Steve Hayes, co-founder of ACT says, “The Matrix opens the door to ACT in a way that is direct, simple, and useful. Kevin is not just its developer: he a master in its use. He lays down a great foundation for a more psychologically flexible approach to life and work.”

Your Presenter: Kevin Polk, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist with a background in both industrial organizational and experimental psychology. He got his start in psychology working on a suicide hotline. He is well known in ACT circles as an “explainer.” He takes difficult topics and explains them so that they are almost instantly useful.