
Gary Staud 
Springer School and Center 
513-871-6080 x 402 


Monday March 10, 2014 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT

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Springer School and Center 
2121 Madison Road
Cincinnati, OH 45208

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Parent Program:

Demystifying Dyslexia: Resources and Strategies for Success

Monday, March 10th, 2014

7 - 9 p.m.

If your child struggles to learn letters, sounds and words, or lags behind her peers in reading and spelling, does that mean she has dyslexia? If so, what does that mean for her academic performance?

This program will explain and define this learning disability, and provide resources and strategies for home use, and guidance as you determine options and next steps.

The program will be held in the Springer school cafeteria.  

Register Now!This program costs $10.00 per person.