
Tuesday March 4, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM MST
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Cowgirl Yarn 
119 E Ivinson Ave
Laramie, WY 82070

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Charlotte with Cowgirl Yarn 
Cowgirl Yarn 

Fixing Mistakes 3/4 


Have you ever dropped a stitch? Did you know how to pick it up? No worries! Charlotte will be teaching a wonderful class for all levels of students on how to pick up dropped stitches and how to fix other basic mistakes made in your knitting project. There's no reason that a dropped stitch or a mistake a few rows back should cause you to tear out all of your hard work.

In just one class session, you will be learn how to tink, pick up dropped stitches, and run lifelines both during your knitting and after-the-fact.

You will be asked to come to class with a 4" square knitted in stockinette stitch. HOMEWORK will be emailed to all registrants on the Friday before class. You should be able to complete the homework with supplies you have at home. If you register for class later than the Friday prior, please email the store and we'll send you the homework as soon as possible.

Instructor: Charlotte
Cost: $25
Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm
Supplies: Smooth worsted weight yarn, size 7 needles, crochet hook, locking stitch markers.


In the event of any inclement weather or lack of interest, we reserve the right to cancel class. Unless otherwise stated, each class must have at least four (4) registrants for class to be held. We understand that life can change at any moment, and the need to cancel your registration may arise. If you must cancel a class, we require at least 24 hours notice before the start of class. In case of inclement weather, we may have to reschedule or cancel a class. In cases where Cowgirl Yarn cancels the class, you will receive a phone call and or email, as well as a full refund of your class fee. Should you be absent from class, and if the missed material cannot be made up in under 15 minutes, you will need to schedule a Private Lesson outside of class time to get caught up. Private Lessons run $20/hour and will need to be scheduled with enough time to catch up on the homework for the next class.