Books by Gary Best

Naturally Supernatural




Gary and Joy Best are succesful church planters and leaders in the Vineyard movement. Gary served as the National Leader for Vineyard Churches in Canada for twenty years. Since the mid-1980s, Gary and Joy have served the international developement of the Vineyard movement through numerous equipping and renewal conferences and events.

Gary and Joy were the founding pastors of the Langley Vineyard in the greater Vancouver area. Many of the early Vineyard worship songs came from this congregation. Five congregations developed out of the church under their leadership. In 1996, Gary and Joy planted the North Langley Vineyard, which they still attend.

In 2006, Gary and Joy Best purchased a homestead with 55 acres of property and an established restraunt in the community. After extensive renovation, they have now opened it as a retreat for leaders to come, rest and be encouraged. Dominion Hill 

Gary travels and speaks at conferences world-wide sharing on what a life in the supernatural looks like. He is the author of Naturally Supernatural: God may be closer than you think.