
Phoenix Perennials 
Phoenix Perennials and Specialty Plants Ltd. 


Saturday April 19, 2014 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM PDT

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Phoenix Perennials 
3380 No. 6 Road
Richmond, BC V6V 1P5

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Endless Summer: 365 Days of Berries and Fruit in the Garden and Containers 

Do you long for the sweet taste of summer at times of the year when summer is just a faraway dream? Take heart, fellow foodies, you can enjoy the bounty of summer berries and fruit year-round with some simple skills and a little planning.

Your instructor Cathy will teach you about the different kinds of fruit and berries you can grow in your garden and in containers on your patio. Then she will teach you different ways to preserve your bounty such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, cherries, and much more. She will discuss preserving through canning, drying and freezing and tell you which processes are best for each particular fruit. She will show you the equipment you will need and demonstrate the different preservation techniques.

Cathy will then give you some recipe ideas for using your preserved fruits and berries long after summer has passed.

| Instructor: Cathy Heibert | $14 + tax |