Iams green with white background SARC Logo  


Sunday June 29, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT
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Collier County Domestic Animal Services
7610 Davis Blvd.
Naples, FL 34104 

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Andy Bass, Operations Assistant
Florida State Animal Response Coalition 

Awareness Level Small Animal Emergency Sheltering Class


Are you ready to help animals during disasters?

Take the next step and become a Disaster Animal Responder!

Collier County Domestic Animal Services is hosting the Florida SARC Awareness Level Small Animal Emergency Sheltering Class on Sunday June 29, 2014
The class will be held at Domestic Animal Services Shelter in Naples, Florida

Please join the Florida State Animal Response Coalition team, with your help, we can be there to provide shelter and care for Florida's animals before, during, and after a disaster.

We are honored to have IAMs Pet Foods as the sponsor for breakfast, lunch, and snacks for our class participants.

Course topics include: Personal Preparedness, Overview of the Incident Command System, Deployment Preparedness, Assisting in Shelter Set Up, Daily Care and Feeding, Proper Cage Cleaning and Disinfection, Animal Behavior, Stress Management, Zoonotic Disease, Personal Safety, and more....

Tuition for this class has been paid due to a generous Homeland Security grant. Costs are incurred for each participant who registers and we hate to waste valuable grant money! If you register, please honor your commitment to attend.

Florida SARC team members must complete the following FEMA courses. These courses do NOT have to be completed before class! You can take them anytime but they must be completed before you are eligible to deploy! These courses are self-study online courses and are free of charge:

If you complete ICS 100, 200, and 700 courses before attending the Awareness Level class, please bring your completion certificates with you to class and you will receive a FREE Florida SARC uniform T-shirt!

Florida SARC uniform T-shirts will be available for purchase during class for $15
(cash or check made payable to Florida SARC)

Please note: You must be 18 years or older to take this class!