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Tergar Meditation Community 
Tergar NYC 


Saturday September 27, 2014 at 9:00 AM EDT
Sunday September 28, 2014 at 5:00 PM EDT

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Montrose, WV 26283 


Joy of Living Meditation Workshop
Level II: Opening the Heart

A weekend workshop with Tergar Facilitator Kell Julliard

In this weekend retreat, we will learn how to meditate on loving-kindness and compassion, a profound practice that helps us open our hearts to others and relax the self-centered tendencies that lead to anxiety, dissatisfaction, and suffering.

Cultivating loving-kindness and compassion helps us to see the basic goodness that all beings share. By relating to others in an open hearted way, we bring peace to the mind and develop a sense of confidence and purpose. This, in turn, naturally brings harmony to our relationships and enables us to work with challenging situations more effectively.

The schedule for this weekend workshop includes DVD teachings by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche as well as guided meditations and discussion led by Tergar Facilitator Kell Julliard.

Sponsor rate:  $175.00
Base rate:  $125.00
Seniors/students:  $75.00 
Repeaters (have taken Levels I, II, or III previously):  $75.00 

Accomodations and Food
Once you register, information will be emailed about how to arrange for food and accommodations.

If you wish to stay at Saraman, a $25 donation is recommended for the Saturday night stay.

Saturday Lunch: $8.00 (Vegetarian Chili, Cornbread, & Coleslaw)
Saturday Dinner: $12.00 (Pot Roast/Baked Tempeh, Brown Rice, & Kale Salad)
Sunday Breakfast: $6.00 (Amaranth & Millet Porridge, Yogurt, Granola, & Fruit)
Sunday Lunch: $8.00 (Egg Curry, Greens, Rice, & Yogurt)

About Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is a rising star among the new generation of Tibetan Buddhist masters. With a rare ability to present the ancient wisdom of Tibet in a fresh, engaging manner, Rinpoche’s profound teachings and playful sense of humor have endeared him to students around the world. His first book, The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness, debuted on the New York Times bestseller list and has been translated into over twenty languages. Rinpoche currently teaches throughout the world, with centers on four continents. Read more…


Kell Julliard 2012About Kell Julliard
Kell Julliard has practiced meditation in a variety of traditions since his early twenties. In 2009 he met Mingyur Rinpoche and has since studied intensively with Rinpoche and the Tergar Meditation Community. During this time he has served as practice leader for the Tergar New York City Meditation Center. In addition to Kell’s role with Tergar, he currently serves as head of clinical research education at a large academic community hospital in Brooklyn, where he also teaches mindfulness meditation to faculty, residents, and staff.

About the Joy of Living
The Joy of Living program provides a path of meditation training that is open to people of all faiths and belief systems. The style of meditation presented in this program teaches how to work with the problems and experiences of everyday life to create a peaceful mind and joyful heart. Read more…