
October 15th - CultureWorks, 1315 Walnut Street Suite 320

November 18th - H.E.A.L., 704 Sansom St. Suite 302

All workshops will run from 6:00-8:00pm


Justine Haemmerli


"Participating in Less Busy More Engaged gave me the opportunity to consider the activities in my life I most value, what my time and energy are currently being put towards, and whether those two things aligned. I'm now more intentionally planning how my time is spent to maximize the energy I put into the things I love. "

- Laura Crandall, Urban Nutrition Initiative


Less Busy, More Engaged:

Fall 2014


Begone, ubiquitous to-do list! Let's get you using your time in a way that feels more fulfilling.


In this 2 hour workshop, we will audit the ways in which you spend your time, and explore what your personal version of "busyness" means and does for you.

You'll leave with a better understanding of what leads you to make choices around how you spend your time; a clearer sense of the kinds of activities you can kick off the list, and those which you'd like to bring into your life more; and concrete next steps to get you feeling less harried, and more connected to a sense of purpose and energy.