
Saturday November 22, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST
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Colonial Inn 
48 Monument Square
Concord, MA 01742

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Joanne Gerber 
Joanne Gerber 

Raising the Bar -- Achieving Personal Excellence with your Mediumship® 

“Joanne Gerber raised the bar for me in a way that just made it harder for other mediums to get on my list. She filled my hour with evidence of an afterlife. Every medium on my list has their niche that made them stand out among the hundreds I’ve tested. Joanne’s is nonstop messages from deceased loved ones, which include physical descriptions, personalities, past memories, current events, names, dates and ages.” ~ Bob Olson

Colonial Inn, 48 Monument Square – Concord, MA 01742. 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Join us for this intense five hour mediumship workshop dedicated to helping you develop and gain personal excellence in your mediumship. This workshop will stretch any boundaries, as you learn a new sense of confidence with your mediumship. We will experiment with excercises, private sittings, public platform, and scientific tools used to test and study psychic energy and afterlife communication. Joanne Gerber is an internationally known and scientifically certified psychic medium and spiritual teacher with over fourteen years of professional teaching experience. See the article about Bob Olson’s experience with Joanne

Class Fee: $125. Class size limited to 24 students. If you have questions, please do not call the inn.  Please contact our office by email: joanne@joannegerber.com or telephone us at: (781) 883-5403.