Orange Empire ASHRAE Logo

 Please join us for this month's meeting
Tuesday, November 18th

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Event Schedule

Social & Registration........
5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Technical Session............
5:45 to 6:30 p.m.

7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Dinner Program................
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.


Tuesday, November 18th from 5:30 to 9:00 PM

Add to Calendar 


Erica Kerr
(949) 296-3136 ext. 203


Holiday Inn 
2726 South Grand Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Driving Directions

Dinner Program

Title 24 and Owner Interpretation

Discussion for the November meeting will be highlighting the major changes to Title-24 2103.  The presentation will try to shed light on impacts to various building components as they relate to new requirements, as well as sharing some current in-progress project experiences.

Larry Sun, P.E.
Principal, tk1sc

Larry Sun is a Principal at tk1sc, and has practiced consulting engineering with the firm for 29 years. During his career he has been involved in projects from every one of the firms market sectors, including commercial office buildings, civic facilities, healthcare and multi-family residential.  He has seen the industry evolve through a wide variety of project delivery methods, code developments and technological innovations.


A LEED accredited professional, Larry has seen the evolution of the energy codes and sustainable design practices.  Larry is also an active ASHRAE member having chaired the national committees for Student Activities and Young Engineers in ASHRAE, and also served on the Scholarship and Conferences and Expositions committees.  He is also an active member of TC-4.1 Load Calculation Data and Procedures.