

Sean Taylor 


Sunday February 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM
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Short Hills Test Center 
302 Main St
Millburn, NJ 07041

Driving Directions 

Free Mock Test Sunday, Feb 8th 


CATES is happy to announce that we will be holding a Mock Test!  Due to current space constraints, the number of students taking the test will be limited--the deadline for registration is 5pm, two days prior to the Test day.

The Mock Test is a free experience open to any student taking a standardized test who wishes to improve his or her mental focus & test-taking stamina under real testing conditions. The exams are taken in a simulated testing center and are administered by a proctor. Students have the opportunity to take their exams in the company of other students, under the actual timing and corresponding break schedule of the real exams.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

Sean Taylor

Register Now! Please NOTE test will take place at SHORT HILLS test site


Meet the proctor at the test site ten minutes before the start of the test.

CATES clients are welcome to take their test home following the mock test. Their tutor will grade the test at their next session.

Non-clients will give their answer sheets to the proctor, who will then grade the test and report back to the student. An email will be sent providing a statistical breakdown of your performance and a brief analysis of how to best prepare before your actual exam.


All services are provided free of charge. However, students who reserve a spot but do not show up on test date with be assessed a charge of $25.00, to be applied to their monthly invoice. Non-clients will be charged $25.00 for the next mock test they take. Once the fee has been paid, no further charges will be assessed.