
Monday March 23, 2015 at 8:00 AM EDT
Thursday May 7, 2015 at 6:00 PM EDT

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United Health Services 
574-247-6047 x109 


Luke Hudnall

Luke Hudnall is a regional service manager at Press Ganey as well as a member of the Clay Township Advisory Board. A South Bend native, Luke graduated from Clay High School and IU South Bend. Ten years ago, he married Ashley and together, they dote on their Bernese Mountain Dog Loki. Some of his favorite things to do are golfing and hanging out with his family—whether it’s at the lake or the pool or just having cocktails. No easy feat, since his extended family has over 60 first and second cousins! He was asked to participate in this event by his boss, Beth Heck. She bet him he could make $2,000 through his friends-and-family network. Lucky for us, he took the bet.

Luke took 4th place with $900!

 Thank you for your support of United Health Services!