Thursdays beginning May 7 thru May 28

TIME:  6:30 to 8:30 p.m.   


The Center
2201 Park Towne Circle
Sacramento, CA 95825

Driving Directions 


Spiritual Education Team




Spiritual Life Center presents

 The Five Levels of Attachment (4-week class)

 with don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.

What are the Five Levels of Attachment?
In this groundbreaking work, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. writes that we have all unwittingly made agreements about how we choose to live our lives and what we believe our personal truths are.

But what we may not realize is that each one of these agreements represents an attachment, a limiting filter on who we think we are, and what the future could hold.

The Five Levels of Attachment are a measuring stick to understand how tied we are to any particular belief, idea, or opinion.  Each level represents how controlled you are by your own particular way of thinking.  Armed with the awareness of which beliefs and ideas you are most attached to, you can better navigate the recurring situations in your life that cause you suffering and release any unhealthy beliefs that are no longer serving you.

As you learn more about the levels, you will begin to think about how attached you are to your various beliefs. You will learn how to assess what level you are on for every belief that you have—not as a basis for judgment, but rather to perceive a deeper understanding of self.  The goal is to shift your perspective and see the potential that is present beyond your beliefs, and notice how your understanding of love and respect changes as your attachments’ hold on you diminishes.

You are invited to join us on the journey to integrate Toltec Wisdom into your modern life where you will:

• Become aware of how you confuse “who you are” with “what you know”
• Gain awareness of how your attachments have created your reality
• Stop creating your identity based on the opinions and judgments of others around you
• Let go of the fear of what you are without your beliefs
• Make new Agreements that are more in line with your true Authentic Self

“In The Five Levels of Attachment, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. explains how what we believe becomes intimately connected to our identity, or who we think we are. This belief of what the truth is in turn creates all our attachments and all our emotional responses.”
--Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements