
Julie and Tom Meekins
March Forth Family, LLC

Tom and Julie


June 1 - June 30, 2015
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Three personal action plan sessions by phone, unlimited email support


March Forth Family, LLC 

March Forth Family, LLC is dedicated to partnering with parents in equipping them with valuable tools to nourish and assist children with particular challenges.

"Probably the best part of meeting with Tom and Julie is the fact that they have walked some very tough roads with their own children and therefore have a depth of insight into how difficult it can be when you want the best for your children.”  
-Gretchen Roe

 Find more testimonials, resources, coaching opportunities, and future events at

Cartoon Kids - Rizzuti - 

Empowering Parents to Take Their Children to the Next Level

 With Special Needs Specialists,
Tom and Julie Meekins

of March Forth Family, LLC


Are you wanting to make sure that your child is "on target" with his development?

Would you like to have the tools to check for yourself?

Do you see some things in your child that are a little "off" that you really cannot put your finger on but you know something is up?

Would you like to know how to find potential root causes?

Maybe you are a parent who KNOWS that your child has some specific challenges and you want to do some "hands-on" work with your child at home to see what the potential root causes may be.

If any of those descriptions describe you, then we have the program for you.

Empowering Parents to Take Their Children to the Next Level

Would you like:

  • your child to be able to "roll" with new routines?
  • a well adjusted child?
  • a peaceful child?
  • opportunities to help your child reach for their greatest potential?
  • a confident child?
  • a happy child?

Would you like to help your child to:

  • interact with people in an appropriate way?
  • have an easier time making friends?
  • have a longer attention span?
  • get unstuck?
  • calm the chaos of sensory overload? 
  • be less rigid and inflexible?
  • have better control over his emotions?
  • be more cooperative?
  • be more confident?
  • be healthier?
  • follow directions easier?
  • mature socially?
  • be successful in school?
  • be more organized?
  • have less phobias?

How wonderful would it be if your child:

  • was able to handle noises better?
  • wore fabrics of different variety instead of just "soft" clothes?
  • became more adventurous in eating?
  • had more self-control?

So much is possible when you know what to do.

Your child may be progressing along just fine but you want to be sure things are in place for that to continue. We can help you!

Your child may be falling apart and you are at a loss to help. We can help you!

Your child may just have some quirks and you want to see if there are ways to help her not have to work so hard. We can help you!  

YOU ARE LOOKING FOR a step by step Action Plan. We can help you put that into effect.

Register now for:

Empowering Parents to Take Their Children to the Next Level

And receive our one month individualized program for $675.

This is what we'll do:

For one month we will spend time together with you to help you move your child to the next level of his development.

We will give you:

---> the tools to see where your child is operating,

---> information about child development specific to her that you want to work on,

---> Action Steps to begin to stimulate your child's brain to:

  • open up new pathways
  • to create new connections
  • to help her soar in her development.

This information will serve you and your child for a lifetime!

We will share with you some of the tools that helped us to unlock the development that got stuck with our Amy and our Josh.

The most amazing thing about this NEW program is that it is individual to YOUR CHILD and YOUR FAMILY!

Question: How can this program make a difference for my child?

Answer: Because you will be stimulating the brain specifically to take your child to the next level of development as an individual.

Answer: Because you will not just be putting bandages on any symptoms you see, you will not just be teaching your child how to compensate -- you will be learning things about essential child development steps that most parents know nothing about. You will be getting to the root causal level -- you will be learning how to make the foundation strong for the rest of your child's development.

This program may just be the key to unlock your child's potential.

HOW does it work?

1. You will fill out a questionnaire so that we can get to know your greatest concerns for your child.
2. Over the course of the month, in three different emails, we will send you information and instructions "modules" on how to assess your child in a particular developmental step.
3. After each of these "modules" we will then meet with you by telephone to
a. discuss what you found in your assessment of your child,
b. answer any questions you may have regarding what you found and what we discuss,
c. get the information we need to make specific recommendations for your child.
4. We will then send you "Suggestions of Action Steps" emails after each of the three phone sessions.

You will also get SURPRISE BONUS GIFTS!

Are you thinking that there is NO way you can afford all that? Well, we are happy to report that this program with all the individualized information emails,  personal phone calls, action step emails, and BONUS GIFTS over the course of a whole month is a very reasonable $675.

We know others are charging much more for less information, support, and individualized focus but we work hard to make things as affordable as possible.

And, we can offer you a payment plan if that will make it more convenient for you to register for BRAIN GAMES: Child Development Check. Email us at for more information.

Register now for:

Empowering Parents to Take Their Children to the Next Level

Your investment for our one month program is $675. Register now. 

From one of our private coaching clients:

Q: What has been beneficial so far? the personal touch! I feel we have great communication and understanding in our conversations. Our sessions are so tailored for our unique needs vs. generalizations often made with labels or diagnoses. Also the phone calls make it SOOO convenient! We don't have to hire a sitter, our kids can be at home playing while we (the parents) receive the encouragement and specific training and tools right in the next room! I love how you are helping us be our daughters' therapists - equipping us, informing us and cheering us along

Q: What are you looking forward to?  continuing to learn and be the primary helper of our children. We have so much more to learn!

Q: How can we support you best in the next sessions? the accountability and understanding is so helpful! I can not think of how to improve what we are already experiencing in our sessions. Angela Hoffman

Our greatest desire is to help you be the most incredible parent to your amazing and precious child. Life is filled with struggles for these children and for us who parent them. We want you to be confident, supported, and empowered in your parenting.

Hey, we have been down a difficult road and we learned some things that gave our children amazing opportunities. We want to teach you what we learned. We want you to have the wonderful privilege of helping your children. There is no greater gift that we can give our children than to be hands on in their development. To give them our time and attention. With this program you will be giving them that and specific targeted brain work to move them to the next level of their development.

Three modules of child development content.

Three personalized phone conversations.

Three "Suggestion of Action Steps" emails

We know that this is not for everybody. We know that there are a select few parents who want to be this "hands on" with their children. Are you one of them?

If you have been wanting to work with us and have been trying to figure out the right time, NOW is the time. This is a great place to start.

Have you already worked with us? This program will be a WONDERFUL refresher to check up on how your child is doing and to bring him or her to the next level.

Be sure to sign up now to so you don’t miss out on getting all of the emails and phone calls and bonus gifts for just about half price.

Register now for:

Empowering Parents to Take Their Children to the Next Level

From other private coaching clients:

I have enjoyed getting to know you and working with you.  You are so motivational and uplifting to be around and Vivian has come so far thanks to your hard work.  I will continue to recommend people to you because I believe you work wonders with kids.  Thank you so very much for everything you have done for Vivian and myself and I will look forward to working with you in the future. Debbie Zook

“Before I started this program, as I was looking for help for my daughter, my friends would say to me "just look it up on the internet".  That did not work for me because there is so much information out there, I didn't know what to do. Doing this coaching program with you has set me free”.  Angela Hoffman

Your investment for our one month program is $675. Register now.