CASE Boot Camp Training: 

In the week of November 9-13, 2015, CASE (The Christian Association of Sexual Educators) will offer three Boot Camp workshops in Atlanta, Georgia designed to train church leaders to unveil God’s transforming truths about sexuality and cultivate sexually healthy churches. Sexual Wholeness, Inc. (a Christian non-profit training organization) and the parent organization of CASE will staff these two and one day workshops at a church campus in the Atlanta area.

The Christian Association of Sexual Educators desires to transform the Body of Christ by cultivating sexually healthy churches. In accomplishing this vision, CASE will equip and empower church educators to facilitate and teach sexual workshops on a variety of topics within their church communities. This practical, Biblically-based training will provide certification to teach individual courses as a certified course Educator.

CASE courses will include training on how to teach sexual topics safely in a church setting, various ways these courses could be brought into the life and curriculum of the church, how to facilitate the material in small groups, and other important skills for effectively cultivating sexual health in each unique church community.



Douglas Rosenau 
Sexual Wholeness, Inc 


Monday November 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM CST
Friday November 13, 2015 at 5:00 PM CST

Add to Calendar 


Richmont Graduate University 
1900 The Exchange SE
Building 100
Atlanta, GA 30339

Driving Directions 

Dance of the Sexes: Celebrating the Soul in Single Sexuality 

“Dance of the Sexes: Celebrating the Soul in Single Sexuality” Six innovative lessons, the Big Questions for singles, develop the concept that singles can be whole sexually. A deep look at the heart attitudes and what singles should be doing sexually not a simplistic, “Sex is for marriage.” Designed for church leaders who are involved in college and singles ministries. Especially geared to the 20-30 year old single person, the workshop would also be helpful for the older single-agains or those struggling with same-sex attraction, wishing to live chaste, intimate lives.

  1. What Does a Soul Sexy Man or Woman Look Like in the Dance of the Sexes?
  2. How Can I be Single and Sexual?
  3. Why Become a Soul Virgin? — Stewarding Heart Attitudes.
  4. What Do I Do with Horny — What about Masturbation?
  5. What Do I Do with My Sexual Mistakes?
  6. How Far Can I Go? Where Do I Go from Here?

Monday and Tuesday---November 9 & 10, 2015



Heroes & Warriors: Becoming a Man of Sexual Integrity and Influence 

“Heroes & Warriors: Becoming a Man of Sexual Integrity & Influence"--This one-day workshop will teach church leaders to put on a men's conference that develops three critical areas of sexuality in which men are searching for answers: Sexual Significance, Sexual Integrity and Sexual Influence. Each of these three key topics will contain teaching points of: Affirmations, Information and Guidance. This workshop will develop the key concepts of true masculinity, enjoying and disciplining sexual desire, Satan’s favorite sexual distortions, and being a "knight" for the women in their lives. Men need each other as they fight for sexual integrity.

 Wednesday---November 11, 2015



Covenant Lovers: God's Plan for a Celebration of Sex 

“Covenant Lovers: God's Plan for a Celebration of Sex"-- In a fun way, this workshop will expound on six crucial areas for cultivating deeper sexual intimacy in marriage. Based on the book, A Celebration of Sex, couples will work on developing effective communication skills, the traits of great lovers, a healthy understanding of gender differences and masculinity and femininity, and explore three key aspects of deepening total intimacy. Important Scriptures will be utilized to help unveil God’s plan for becoming passionate covenant lovers.

 Thursday and Friday---November 12 & 13, 2015