Friday, January 29th, 2016

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Other Workshops for Early Childhood Educators:
Interactive Storytelling Level 1 PD
Manhattan, Tuesday
January 12th, 2016, 9am-12pm


Brooklyn UFT site
335 Adams Street
25th Floor, Room E
Brooklyn, NY

Driving Directions 

Laura Cabochan


This 3-Hour Professional Development has been developed with the support of the NYC Dept. of Education Office of Early Childhood Education and JP Morgan/Chase Foundation.

UFT Offices - Brooklyn
335 Adams Street
25th Floor, Room E
Brooklyn, NY, 11201-3714

Friday, January 29th, 2016

DESCRIPTION: During this workshop, CAT facilitators will guide participants through a step-by-step process that will help them build an experiential and intellectual understanding of the power of oral storytelling in developing children's  listening, speaking and language skills as outlined in the Common Core Standards.

ELTA Wolf Trap Early Learning Through the Arts


CAT facilitators will model three forms of oral storytelling for teachers to demonstrate the progression  from written word to active engagement reading a storybook, telling a story based on a book and storytelling that engages an audience both physically and verbally -- drawing specific links to how each form impacts a child's literacy skills.

 CAT will then mentor the teachers as they develop, practice and refine an interactive storytelling of  their own based on one of two picture books.

Particular attention will be paid  to strengthening each teacher’s storytelling skills and identifying  how specific techniques of audience participation support early  childhood literacy and English acquisition.

Thoughout the process, teachers  will be asked to reflect on what they have led, give and receive constructive criticism, and discuss future applications. The overarching goals throughout are to help the teachers work in a student-centered manner, explore how to encourage and incorporate student’s responses, and tap into their own creativity.

PLEASE NOTE: You can register up to FIVE teachers for the professional development. 

Led by Helen Wheelock, Director of the Early Learning Program

Register Now! 

 CAT (CUNY - Creative Arts Team) uses the power of drama to inspire lives. 
Click here to learn more.