
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Railsplitters' Reception:

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Doors open at 3:45 PM)

Dinner: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Doors open at 4:30 PM)

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Hilton Garden Conference Center
1501 South Neil Street
Champaign, IL 61820

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Champaign County Republican Party
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Join us for the Champaign County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day Celebration! United States Congressman Adam Kinzinger will be our featured speaker on February 21, 2016.  The celebration will take place at the Hilton Garden Conference Center in Champaign. Two events will be held. Ticket options for each event are listed below.

Lincoln Day is the party’s annual celebration and reflection on the strength
s and goals of the organization. In addition to hearing from Congressman Kinzinger, party Chairman Kyle Harrison, will deliver the “State of the Republican Party in Champaign County” address. Guests will also have an opportunity to meet and hear from federal, state, and local elected officials and candidates.

Railsplitters' Reception at 4:00 PM:
Private reception with Congressman Kinzinger, photo opportunities
, drinks and appetizers

Lincoln Day Dinner at 5:00 PM: 
Includes dinner and program featuring Congressman Kinzinger and elected officials.

Please join us for this exciting event by ordering tickets online by clicking the "Register Now" button below or contact us at 217-355-3175.

Ticket and Sponsorships Information

Sponsorships also include photo opportunities at the Railsplitters' reception, premium seating, special recognition in the program, on event signage, and during the presentation.

Lincoln Day Dinner Ticket (5:00 PM): $50

Railsplitters' Reception (4:00 PM) and Lincoln Day Dinner (5:00PM): $100

Red Sponsor includes 2 Reception and Dinner Tickets: $250

Blue Sponsor includes 4 Reception and Dinner Tickets: $500

Table Sponsor includes 10 Reception and Dinner Tickets: $1000

Show your support as an event sponsor!

Event sponsors will receive top billing at their respective events and will be included in pre-event promotions and premium seating at the dinner in addition to photo opportunities at the Railsplitters' Reception.

Railsplitters' Reception Sponsor includes 10 Reception  and Dinner Tickets: $1500

Lincoln Day Luncheon Sponsor includes 10 Reception and Dinner Tickets: $2500

This event is paid for by Champaign County Republican Central Committee. A copy of our report is or will be availble at the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield Illinois and at www.elections.il.gov.