Sounding Circles in partnership with Sacred SoundWorks presents...


Sunday March 6, 2016 at 10:00 AM PST
Sunday May 22, 2016 at 12:00 PM PDT

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Joule L'Adara 
Sounding Circles LLC 
+1 310-321-2711 

  The Spiritual Significance of Sacred Sound

A 3-Month Online Course 

With Vickie Dodd 

We are spiritual beings living in a human form. 

The intention for this class will be to directly experience the joy and ecstasy of experiencing vibration occupying & flowing through our physicality. We are a resonate system and we become more conscious of this as a living truth.

Our premise is:  The more we embody sound frequency vibrating our very Being, an ecstatic experience of our spiritual nature living within a 3 dimensional body is revealed.

Our focus will be using our voices to embody our human forms, contrary to using sound to leave our bodies. In the course of the three month long training we will have discussions and welcome questions and concerns regarding the human significance of sacred sound.

Sounding the anatomy and physiology of our humanness creates a state of physical pleasure. We begin to enjoy the opportunity of being in these bodies.

We will go deeper into our inner terrain and experience the joy, pleasure and healing of sound vibration pulsating through us from our own voices. We are a resonate system and we become more conscious of this living truth.

*We will begin to have an intimate experience of the intricate inner world of our anatomy and physiology.

*We will be able to experience the ethereal realms of angelic mastery within our physical 3-d framework, and the inner healing that takes place with more onscious knowing of our physical body.

*This training will teach the relationships of one body part to another and the function of the body as a whole.

Our voices can awaken our various systems and become a 'bodywork' of accurate proportions.

Embodiment = Presence


Join us for a 3 month online course exploring the Spiritual Significance of Sacred Sound with Vickie Dodd of Sacred SoundWorks and hosted by Joule L'Adara of Sounding Circles. The course meets on alternating Sundays, beginning March 6th at the following times:

USA: 8 -10 am Hawaii, 10 am - 12 noon Pacific, 11 am -1pm Mountain, 12 noon - 2pm Central, 1pm - 3pm Eastern

UK: 6 pm - 8pm Europe: 7 pm - 9 pm

Australia: Mondays the following morning 2 am - 4pm WA, 4 am - 6 am QLD, 4:30 - 6:30 am SA, 5 am - 7 am NSW & VIC

(Please note that daylight savings time will change some of the starting and ending times part-way through the course. This will affect those in Hawaii, Australia and some other locations outside the continental US time zones.) 

The course will be meeting live on these Sundays (Monday mornings in Australia):

Sunday, March 6

Sunday, March 20

Sunday, April 10

Sunday,  April 24

Sunday, May 8

Sunday, May 22

All classes will be video recorded and the link will be send to you after each class.

The Early-Bird Registration period for this course has ended but we still have registration open at the regular price for this 3-month course at $750. We will contact you to sign you up for our no-penalty monthly payment plan where you pay just $250 per month. To hold your spot you need only offer your $50 deposit payment today!

Registration is still open after the course commences, however you will need to register before 8:00 am PST March 6th in order to be invited to join the first class live. 


Director of Sacred SoundWorks, Vickie Dodd is an internationally known pioneer in the field of Sound as a Bodywork. She is an Aston-Patterning Teacher, author, poet, nutritionist, herbalist, workshop leader and musician. She started using sound as a healing modality in her work with her clients over 30 years ago. She has trained with many master teachers in the art of body therapies and spiritual purification tools. The essence of Vickie’s work is a multi-dimensional approach to using Sound as an evolutionary tool, emphasizing maturation of the emotional body. 

Vickie has the rare ability to “sense” the subtle rhythm, vibrations, and tones that all matter produces. She uses her remarkable gift of “sounding” to match the unique soundprint of a person. To this sensitivity Ms. Dodd has added serious study and exploration into the curative aspects of sound, color and movement. She has designed a system, which integrates emotional memories within the physical body and facilitates the release of long held emotional distress. She has consulted with organizations and professional groups, assisting them to address specific issues they encounter in their work and life responsibilities.

Vickie teaches others how to listen to themselves and to use their voices to recapitulate the memories and history that resides in their bodies. These teachings empower and educate the serious sound student to direct and evolve their emotional and physical maturation. She is the author of “Tuning The Blues To Gold: Soundprints” and has several recordings available. As director of Sacred SoundWorks she lives in Port Angeles, Washington, and teaches in Europe. Latin America, and many locations around the USA.

Learn more at:

Joule L'Adara, MFA is the founder of Sounding Circles LLC through which she joyously leads Sounding Circles all over the planet! 

A professional opera singer, she has sung with the Metropolitan Opera and as a soloist in Carnegie Hall. She is currently the artistic director of the Guided Imagery Opera - an experimental opera company based in New York City that Guided Imagery and Music with ritual theater. Joule also created The Sound Soak which is a meditative concert series that has been running monthly in Manhattan since 2012. 

Joule's Sounding Circles facilitation process is currently being offered as an online curriculum and will be available in 2016 as a book. She also offers in-person training through her many workshops, trainings and retreats in New York and around the world. 

Joule is a keynote speaker and a corporate trainer as well as a holistic vocal coach. She is also an Acuntonics Practitioner, a Reiki Master, a US trainer for Feeltone Instruments which are made in Germany, she teaches Harmonic Healing featuring Australia's Elfen Energy Chimes and works with a variety of different therapeutic tools including bowls, bells, chimes and gongs. 

Learn more at: