
Wednesday June 15, 2016 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM CDT
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Park City Club 
5956 Sherry Lane, Suite 1700
Dallas, TX

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Kim Hopkins 
CREW Dallas 

June Industry Luncheon 

"Leases: On The Horizon"

Speaker:  Lucas LaChance


In February of this year, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued some new guidance on how leases are reported in the financial statements of lessees and lessors. The result of a decade-long project with the International Accounting Standards Board, these new guidelines are going to have a profound impact on how financial statements are viewed and utilized by banks and other creditors. This presentation will highlight some of the most significant changes, provide practical examples of the effects of these changes, and open a dialogue about the steps and conversations that need to be taken now to put you and your company in the best position going forward.


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