
Thursday July 21, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM CDT
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Norris Conference Center
2525 W Anderson Lane #365
Austin, TX 78757

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Kayvon Leath

The heart of real leadership, and entrepreneurship, is all in how you choose to show up and how you choose to serve others. Candy brings this message home with energy, passion, and power-packed punch!

Candy Barone highlights the value of learning how to say truly YES to yourself and your teams so that you can play at your highest and best level. But, you must first understand the barriers getting in your way, so you can learn to say NO to what doesn't serve you and your teams. In this talk, Candy breaks down those barriers and provides strategies on how you can destroy the NOISE once and for all. The N.O.I.S.E., can be described as such 

N - Negative Self Talk & Filters

O - Opinions of Others You Choose to Internalize

I - Inefficiencies We Create in Your Daily Activities

S - 'Should'-ing All Over Yourself

E - Excuses We Create & Perpetuate