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Wednesday August 31, 2016 from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM EDT
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Samaritan Center - Training & Community Room 
1803 Oregon Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601

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Amy Winslow-Weiss 
Samaritan Business Consulting 
717-560-2805 ext 101 

August 31st CWiL 

Join us August 31st , 7:30-9:00AM  Leadership is never easy.  Our August 31st program will introduce you to 3 CWiL members & leaders who will share how they have overcome challenges & become influential leaders through personal vision, intention and resiliency.  Bring along a friend or coworker - introduce them to the CWiL! $30 per person (includes program, light breakfast and beverages - lots of coffee!) Reminder for CWiL Members - No charge to attend!