
Thursday August 25, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT
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Worcester Cleantech Incubator 
44 Portland St.
4th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608

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Kathryn Meng 

LocalPorch Maker Mixer 

Event Information

LocalPorch will be hosting a "Maker Mixer"  the evening of Thursday, August 25, 2016 at the Worcester CleanTech Incubator. Come learn about LocalPorch.com, a community-focused handmade product marketplace launching this fall in Worcester. Meet and mingle with makers and learn about LocalPorch, how we are different from existing online handmade sites today, and how we can help makers expand their local sales reach.
Existing LocalPorch makers, interested makers, or friends of makers are welcome! Check back here for more details or follow us on Facebook to see when the event is posted.


LocalPorch overview

LocalPorch is a community-focused, online marketplace for handmade products connecting makers with local customers.

Approved makers will be able to create their product portfolios online, select their preferred distribution channels (by appointment, at a local event or retail store, or via delivery), and in turn, increase sales for less time and money.

On the flip side, customers will be able to browse handmade products by makers like you, pick from several ways to purchase and gift them, and connect directly with people in their community to support their local economy.

Why become a LocalPorch maker?

The “Buy Local” movement is growing fast. It’s doubled in size in the last 10 years & is now valued as a $29 billion industry, yet consumers don’t have an easy way to find you. Let us make these connections, while you spend your time creating!

In addition to reaching this growing audience of local customers 24x7, here are some additional perks of joining the LocalPorch maker community:

  • Ensure your products are part of an authentic, high quality handmade assortment

  • Easy to create and maintain products on the site

  • With our narrower, “local lens” for consumers, your products will get noticed faster & easier

  • Have multiple distribution options without any restrictions on other existing methods

  • Reduce marketing costs like maintaining personal websites and advertising at local events

  • Be apart of a marketplace and community that cares about small business owners