500 W. Madison St., Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60661 - 312 353 4540

Monday, September 25, 2017 from 8:45 AM to 4:00 PM

Free Workshop Sponsored by Byline Bank

Leadership Bootcamp

Profile of a Leader  from 8:45 AM to 11:00 AM


Learning Outcomes

What does it mean to be a leader?  What characteristics are associated with the most successful leaders, and where would you rate your effectiveness as the leader of your company?  This seminar addresses how to successfully transition from the role of a “solopreneur” to an effective leader.


1.  Understand Essential Leadership Principles and how positive leadership approaches can impact an entrepreneur’s results.

2.  Understand the difference between Leadership vs. Management.

3.  Complete a Leadership Self-Assessment to gain clarity on areas of personal focus.




Developing a Vision from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM


Learning Outcomes

Leadership doesn’t happen by accident- it’s the relentless commitment to a clear and compelling vision.   The degree of clarity that a leader has, and how well every team member understands and supports the vision, links directly to results.  This seminar gets entrepreneurs confident and clear on their own personal path towards success through a series of exercises.


1.  Answer the essential leadership question for your business: What is Your Why?

2.  Become clear on your personal and company  Vision & Values

3.  Complete a Goal Setting (SMART) exercise for both short and long-term goals



12:30 PM Lunch Included

Leading a Team of A-Players from 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM


Learning Outcomes

The success of any company is dependent on the strength of the team- from the leader to the front lines.  Your people are your helium- are you investing the right time and energy in the right people, with the right tactics- so they can lift your business up?   This seminar delves into the range of human aspects associated with leadership.


1.   Learn about the Impact of High Performing People (vs. impact of a poor hire, etc.)

2.  Set out a Clear & Candid Process: Setting              Expectations, Delegation, Regular Meetings, Feedback

3.  Understand the aspects of Creating an Amazing Culture

4.  Become  familiar with aspects of Motivating Your Team- the latest employee engagement stats, 12 Gallup questions

5.  Rewards & Recognition



Lifestyles of Healthy & Successful Leaders

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Learning Outcomes

There’s no off switch when it comes to being an entrepreneur, is there?  Has anyone ever called you a workaholic?

This seminar explores strategies and tactics to achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle that is rewarding from both a personal and professional standpoint, specifically for individuals operating their own business.  

Topics including time management and stress management will be covered in the context of a comprehensive lifestyle assessment.


1.  Gain clarity and set goals based on personal and professional boundaries.

2.  Assess your current lifestyle and determine areas of opportunity for improvement.

3.  Set accurate and achievable goals for both personal and professional areas of life.

4.  Understand the impact of how you need to best spend your time as you grow your business.



 Presenter: Jodi Wellman  is a leadership coach and consultant with 17 years of corporate experience    spanning executive roles in operations, sales and customer retention. As a Chair at Vistage International, Jodi  leads a private CEO advisory board and coaches executives to improve bottom-line results, execution and  leadership performance.

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