Highland Park Library 494 Laurel Highland Park, IL 60035

Contact: Jacki Wilhoff 847-432-0216


 No Fee Seminar 

Monday May 15, 2017 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Problem Solving

 We will discuss concepts utilized in differentiating between symptoms and the root of the symptoms which is usually the problem. We will discuss how to analyze the importance of solving the problem, the desired benefit of solving the problem,how to determine the support and resources needed to resolve the prblem, how to create an action plan, and finally how to measure your success.

Presenter: Arnie Goldberg  is a retired commercial lender who specializes in capital equipment lending. Arnie has spent most of his career analyzing financial statements to determine credit worthiness of potential borrowers and their ability to repay their loans.

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