
Bob Sousa 
United Farmer Veterans of Maine 

"MaineGrown By Vets"  

Label is ready for registration to begin!

After several months of hard work by many members of United Farmer Veterans of Maine we are now ready to roll out our NEW label that shows two very important things about all of our agriculture products from our veteran farms. First, it says we are military veterans producing a farm product for sale to the general public & secondly, it says our products are made here in Maine! Win-Win for everyone!

This new label is the cornerstone to our marketing platform that is being implemented here in Maine in three phases.

Phase 1 -MGV label roll out to ALL our veteran farms

Phase 2 - Going LIVE with our e-commerence website for sales across Maine "CornerStone MarketPlace"

Phase 3 - Activating "CornerStone MarketPlace App" with full service Distribution across Maine and beyond!

After several months and long hours from many of our dedicated staff we feel ready to brand our label across Maine thru every single Military Veteran Farm. This brand will open new and larger markets for all of us and allow us to work together in a very productive and profitable way ensure the long term success of each individual farm with the influence in the marketplace that we will only get by working together.

Over the next several weeks we will be crossing all over the State of Maine taking our social media and marketing team to each of your farms to display in person your farm, your product, and your smile that will take the product you make on the farm and shine it across the entire State of Maine!

There is NO cost for the label only cost is the stickers and signs etc. We have a scholarship in place for anyone transfering from another label or needing help getting starting marketing with MGV

Do not delay as joining this marketing platform today will lift ALL of our farm products together to a higher status across Maine!