
  • 10/23/17
  • 11/20/17
  • 1/8/18
  • 2/5/18
  • 3/5/18
  • 4/2/18

From: 6:30PM-8:30PM

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Self Help/Brockton Head Start 
370 Howard Street, Brockton MA



Ipads, Iphones, Smart phones or tablets should not be used if paying by credit card

Register Now!       Register online: www.cdedu.us/SEEPP


Home Health and Child Care

Registration Questions Contact

Nicole Miles
Southeast Education Professionals Partnership

CDA Support Cohort

Monday, October 23rd – Establising Positive and Productive Relationships with Families-

This class will focus on the topic of how teachers build productive relationships with families through parent involvement activities, home visits, conference, and communication.  Participants will be sharing ideas on how to incorporate these activities on a daily basis, writing their CDA Competency statements and collecting resources regarding this subject area, including Family Questionnaires.

Monday, November 20th  – Well-Run, Purposeful Program and Professionalism-

This class will focus on how teachers manage and effective program through planning, reporting, record-keeping and community services; as well as maintaining a commitment to professionalism through ethical practices, professional development, goal setting and networking with others. Participants will be  sharing ideas on how to incorporate these activities on a daily basis, writing their CDA Competency statements and collecting resources regarding this subject area.

Monday,  January 8th – Professional Philosophy/Prepare to Apply-

This class will focus on reflecting on professional beliefs and values regarding the early childhood  profession and how these impact each person’s role in the lives of children and families  Participants will be sharing ideas on how to incorporate these characteristics on a daily basis, writing their own Professional Philosophy Statement and preparing to apply for CDA, the site visit

Monday, February  5th – Planning a Safe, Healthy Learning Environment-

This class will provide an overview of the CDA process and how to develop a CDA Professional Portfolio/Binder and its components.  Participants will also be learning about the topic of a safe, healthy learning environment, sharing ideas on how to maintain this daily, writing their CDA Competency statements and collecting resources regarding this subject area.

Monday, March 5th - Physical and Intellectual Competence-

This class will focus on the topic of how teachers advance children’s physical and intellectual development through nine curricular areas (science/sensory, language and literacy, creative arts, fine motor, gross motor, self-concept, emotional skills/regulation, social skills and math).  Participants will be  sharing ideas on how to incorporate these activities on a daily basis, writing their CDA Competency statements and collecting resources regarding this subject area.

Monday, April 2nd - Supporting Social and Emotional Development and Postitive Guidance-

This class will focus on the topic of how teachers support children’s social and emotional development through modeling, socialization, conflict resolution, self-regulation and self-esteem.  Participants will be  sharing ideas on how to incorporate these skills on a daily basis, writing their CDA Competency statements and collecting resources for a bibliography regarding this subject area.

  When registering you will have the option to select all sessions or select only the sessions you are interested in attending.

This training is funded in part by the Department of Early Education and Care              

and sponsored by the Southeast Education Professionals Partnership

Lead Agency - Child Development and Education, Inc.